Dallas, Texas, United States, 12/04/2020 / Story.KISSPR.com /
“Times have changed: working from home and working at a full-time corporate office are not the only two options for professionals anymore. A coworking space offers the perfect balance between the two options. Several studies show that working in coworking spaces allows people to thrive more than those working in regular office settings.”Nadim Ahmed Owner, VentureX Dallas by the Galleria
As per Coworking Resources, [Source (1)]
“According to studies, there will be more than 21.3k coworking spaces worldwide by the end of 2019 and this number is expected to grow by 43% until 2022. With so many growth opportunities, a lot of organizations have opened up their own coworking businesses varying from small to large shared spaces.”
A common complaint with coworking spaces is that they are noisy, but the reality is you have distractions no matter where you decide to work. Coffee shops are also noisy, and working from home has its unique set of distractions attached to it. Therefore, if you choose to work in a coworking space, it is important to get the most out of a coworking space as possible.

Here are a few practices that can help you optimally use your time working in a shared office space –
Know Your Options
Some of the options offered by many shared working spaces are private offices, dedicated desks, and shared general spaces. It is important to understand all these options so that you can pick the one that works best for you and suits your work requirements.
A private office allows users to have more privacy, which may be ideal for people working in certain professions like law. On the other hand, a dedicated desk might be a good option if you need a semi-private environment but feed off the energy of others.
As per Impacthub, [Source (2)]
“Pick a conducive space carefully in a way that you can see yourself being able to work with the most convenience possible, without sacrificing privacy.”
Take Part in the Online Community
Online platforms are a great way for members in a coworking space to connect. They can be anything from an online forum to a Slack community or a member’s area on the coworking space’s website.
With the help of this online community, you can get to know other co-workers better and stay up to date on the solutions and benefits offered by your coworking space. It is also a good way to feel more connected to the community that you are working within.
Being Social

One of the unique benefits of working in a coworking space is that provides opportunities to interact and build relationships with people that you otherwise would not meet. Interacting with them and building such relationships can add a lot of value to your work and life.
To make the best use of working in a shared workspace, take time to interact with people in different industries, and see how your fields intersect. Grab lunch with someone in your field, and take the opportunity to talk openly about prospects and issues in the industry without worrying about the bureaucracy and hierarchy that can often suppress communication in a regular office setting.
Such straightforward and friendly conversations often lead to strong work relationships. You may even find yourself an investor or a business partner in a coworking member.
Another way to connect with people in a coworking space is by reaching out to the staff. In a relatively small coworking space, they are likely to know all of the other people onsite and will be able to make connections based on your field of interest.
As per Vineel Reddy Pindi, [Source (3)]
“The goal is not to talk to as many people as possible: one meaningful and interesting conversation is worth a thousand business cards. You don’t need to attend them all, if something is not of interest at all, you don’t need to make an appearance. Check your coworking space’s upcoming events calendar, stay updated and if something is remotely on your radar, check it out.”
Efficiently space out your work
Often we make the mistake of using a particular facility we have paid for all the time to get its worth when we should have been using it more efficiently. It is important to use the space contingent on the work you have planned for the day. For example, if you have an early morning meeting then instead of rushing off to office you can have a more relaxed yet productive day at home.
Prioritize the work best suited for coworking space
To get the most out of a coworking space it is important to understand the kind of work that best fits the coworking setup. Work that might require a lot of attention to detail and focus is better suited to a dedicated workstation, but shared space is useful during times when you’d prefer conversation over isolation.
It is important to identify the best times and types of work to do in a coworking space so that you don’t force yourself to go to the office every day.
Coworking spaces have proven to be an ideal setting for many professionals. However, these spaces can tend to be overwhelming for many individuals. The important point to keep in mind with coworking spaces is that it is up to you to make the most of this revolutionary work environment. Find out personal tricks to block out the distraction and at other times embrace the banter with colleagues for a productive workday.
If you are looking for shared office space near Addison North Dallas give us a call.
Nadim Ahmed, MBA | Owner, VentureX Dallas by the Galleria
5301 Alpha Rd., Suite 80 | Dallas, TX 75240
O: 972.666.8375 | C: 469.207.4970
www.VentureX.com | [email protected]
Source Links:
Source (1) https://www.coworkingresources.org/blog/how-to-optimize-a-small-coworking-space
Source (2) https://impacthub.ph/blog/2019/4/22/how-to-make-the-most-out-of-your-coworking-space
Source (3) https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/306377
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Social Media Tags:Coworking Space, Dallas Coworking, Dallas Coworking Space, VentureX Dallas, Nadim Ahmed Owner
Source: Story.KISSPR.com
Release ID: 15400